Create a new metapackage from a vanilla one plus new genomes
--new-genome-fasta-files NEW_GENOME_FASTA_FILES [NEW_GENOME_FASTA_FILES ...]
FASTA files of new genomes
File containing FASTA file paths of new genomes
--input-metapackage INPUT_METAPACKAGE
metapackage to build upon [default: Use default package]
--output-metapackage OUTPUT_METAPACKAGE
output metapackage
--threads THREADS
--new-fully-defined-taxonomies NEW_FULLY_DEFINED_TAXONOMIES
newline separated file containing taxonomies of new genomes (path<TAB>taxonomy). Must be fully specified to species level. If not specified, the taxonomy will be inferred from the new genomes using GTDB-tk or read from --taxonomy-file [default: not set, run GTDBtk].
--taxonomy-file TAXONOMY_FILE
A 2 column tab-separated file containing each genome's taxonomy as output by GTDBtk [default: not set, run GTDBtk]
--gtdbtk-output-directory GTDBTK_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
use this GTDBtk result. Not used if --new-taxonomies is used [default: not set, run GTDBtk]
--pplacer-threads PPLACER_THREADS
for GTDBtk classify_wf
--output-taxonomies OUTPUT_TAXONOMIES
TSV output file of taxonomies of new genomes, whether they are novel species or not.
skip check which ensures that GTDBtk assigned taxonomies are concordant with the old metapackage's [default: do the check]
--checkm2-quality-file CHECKM2_QUALITY_FILE
CheckM2 quality file of new genomes
skip quality filtering
--checkm2-min-completeness CHECKM2_MIN_COMPLETENESS
minimum completeness for CheckM2 [default: 50]
--checkm2-max-contamination CHECKM2_MAX_CONTAMINATION
maximum contamination for CheckM2 [default: 10]
Assume genome inputs are already dereplicated
Run galah to dereplicate genomes at species level
--hmmsearch-evalue HMMSEARCH_EVALUE
evalue for hmmsearch run on proteins to gather markers [default: 1e-20]
--gene-definitions GENE_DEFINITIONS
Tab-separated file of genome_fasta<TAB>transcript_fasta<TAB>protein_fasta [default: undefined, call genes using Prodigal]
--working-directory WORKING_DIRECTORY
working directory [default: use a temporary directory]
Do not include taxon genome lengths in updated metapackage
Do not halt when the old metapackage is not the default metapackage.
--new-taxonomy-database-name NEW_TAXONOMY_DATABASE_NAME
Name of the taxonomy database to record in the created metapackage [default: custom_taxonomy_database]
--new-taxonomy-database-version NEW_TAXONOMY_DATABASE_VERSION
Version of the taxonomy database to use [default: None]
output debug information
output version information and quit
only output errors
print longer help message
print longer help message in ROFF (manpage) format
Ben J. Woodcroft, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology Samuel Aroney, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology Raphael Eisenhofer, Centre for Evolutionary Hologenomics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Rossen Zhao, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology
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