singlem summarise

The SingleM summarise subcommand transforms taxonomic profiles and OTU tables into a variety of different formats. The summarise subcommand is useful for transforming the default output formats of pipe, visualising the results of a SingleM analysis, and for performing some downstream analyses.

Converting a taxonomic profile to a more convenient format

By default, the pipe command outputs a taxonomic profile in the format of a CSV file, when run with -p/--taxonomic-profile, which looks like this:

sample  coverage        taxonomy
marine0.1       3.64    Root; d__Archaea
marine0.1       0.02    Root; d__Bacteria
marine0.1       0.56    Root; d__Archaea; p__Thermoproteota
marine0.1       0.8     Root; d__Bacteria; p__Desulfobacterota
marine0.1       2.17    Root; d__Bacteria; p__Proteobacteria

The coverage is the estimated per-base read coverage of genomes in that taxon (or actually their sum). Importantly, it is not inclusive of its descendents' coverage. For instance, the coverage of Root; d__Bacteria (0.02) does not include the coverage assigned to p__Desulfobacterota (0.8) or p__Proteobacteria (2.17).

For many applications, this format is inconvenient, so summarise mode provides some conversion options.

Conversion to krona

singlem summarise --input-taxonomic-profile doco_example.profile \
    --output-taxonomic-profile-krona doco_example.profile.html

This will generate a new krona diagram, a hierarchical graphical representation of your community. Krona diagrams can also be output directly from pipe, using the --taxonomic-profile-krona option.

Relative abundance and species-by-site

A commonly requested format for these data is the relative abundance, expressed as a species-by-site table. You can generate this from the above profile by running the below, which generates it on the phylum level.

singlem summarise --input-taxonomic-profile doco_example.profile \
    --output-species-by-site-relative-abundance doco_example.species_by_site.csv \
    --output-species-by-site-level phylum

Where doco_example.species_by_site.csv is then generated as below, where each number is the relative abundance expressed as a percentage:

taxonomy                                marine0.1
unassigned                              50.9
Root; d__Archaea; p__Thermoproteota     7.79
Root; d__Bacteria; p__Desulfobacterota  11.13
Root; d__Bacteria; p__Proteobacteria    30.18

If there are multiple samples in the input files, then there will be multiple columns, one for each sample.

If you wish to generate a species-by-site table for each taxonomic level, you can use --output-species-by-site-relative-abundance-prefix:

singlem summarise --input-taxonomic-profile doco_example.profile \
    --output-species-by-site-relative-abundance-prefix myprefix

which will generate these 2 files:


More files will usually be generated (all the way down to species level), but the example only contains domain and phylum level taxonomic assignments.

Long form with extras

In some cases, it is more convenient to keep the long form, but add some additional columns:

singlem summarise --input-taxonomic-profile doco_example.profile \
    --output-taxonomic-profile-with-extras doco_example.with_extras.tsv

The generated doco_example.with_extras.tsv contains

sample     coverage  full_coverage  relative_abundance  level   taxonomy
marine0.1  0         7.19           100.0               root    Root
marine0.1  3.64      4.2            58.41               domain  Root; d__Archaea
marine0.1  0.02      2.99           41.59               domain  Root; d__Bacteria
marine0.1  0.56      0.56           7.79                phylum  Root; d__Archaea; p__Thermoproteota
marine0.1  0.8       0.8            11.13               phylum  Root; d__Bacteria; p__Desulfobacterota
marine0.1  2.17      2.17           30.18               phylum  Root; d__Bacteria; p__Proteobacteria

Summarising OTU tables

Summarising OTU tables by rarefying, clustering, etc.

Once an OTU table has been generated with the pipe command, it can be further processed in various ways using summarise:

Create a Krona plot of the community. The following command generates a Krona file my_krona.html which can be viewed in a web browser:

singlem summarise --input-otu-tables otu_table.csv --krona my_krona.html

Several OTU tables can be combined into one. Note that this is not necessary if the combined output is to be input again into summarise (or many other commands) - it is possible to just specify multiple input tables with --input-otu-tables. To combine:

singlem summarise --input-otu-tables otu_table1.csv otu_table2.csv \
    --output-otu-table combined.otu_table.csv

Cluster sequences, collapsing them into OTUs with less resolution, but with more robustness against sequencing error:

singlem summarise --input-otu-tables otu_table.csv --cluster \
    --clustered-output-otu-table clustered.otu_table.csv

Rarefy a set of OTU tables so that each sample contains the same number of OTU sequences:

singlem summarise --input-otu-tables otu_table.csv \
    other_samples.otu_table.csv --rarefied-output-otu-table \
    rarefied.otu_table.csv --number-to-choose 100

Calculating beta diversity between samples

Ecological beta-diversity metrics, which measure differences between two microbial communities, can be calculated from SingleM profiles using OTU-based approaches.

As SingleM generates OTUs that are independent of taxonomy, they can be used as input to beta diversity methods known to be appropriate for the analysis of 16S amplicon studies, of which there are many. We recommend express beta diversity (EBD) as it implements many different metrics with a unified interface. For instance to calculate Bray-Curtis beta diversity, first convert your OTU table to unifrac file format using singlem summarise. Note that this file format does not contain any phylogenetic information, even if the format is called 'unifrac'.

singlem summarise --input-otu-table otu_table.csv --unifrac-by-otu \

The above commands generates a different unifrac format file for each marker. At this point, you need to choose one table to proceed with. It would probably be best to choose a marker that targets both Bacteria and Archaea e.g. S3.5.ribosomal_protein_S2_rpsB. Beyond choosing a marker that targets both domains, hopefully the choice matters little, but it might pay to use multiple tables and ensure that the results are consistent.

To calculate beta diversity that does not account for the phylogenetic relationships between the OTU sequences, use the EBD script to convert the unifrac format into ebd format, and calculate the diversity metric: otu_table-S3.5.ribosomal_protein_S2_rpsB.unifrac \
ExpressBetaDiversity -s otu_table.ebd -c Bray-Curtis



Input taxonomic profiles to be e.g. converted to krona HTML, or concatenated


--output-taxonomic-profile FILE

Output a single output file containing taxonomic profiles of all input taxonomic profile files. Requires --input-taxonomic-profiles

--output-taxonomic-profile-krona FILE

Output taxonomic profile to this file in Krona format.

--output-species-by-site-relative-abundance FILE

Output site by species relative abundance to this file

--output-species-by-site-level {species,genus,family,order,class,phylum,domain}

Output site by species level to this file. Requires --output-species-by-site-relative-abundance.

--output-species-by-site-relative-abundance-prefix PATH_PREFIX

Output site by species relative abundance to this file prefix. One file will be written for each taxonomic level.

--output-filled-taxonomic-profile FILE

Output a taxonomic profile where the coverage of each taxon includes the coverage of each of its descendent taxons e.g. the d__Bacteria entry includes the p__Patescibacteria entry.

--output-taxonomic-profile-with-extras FILE

Output a taxonomic profile with extra information (coverage, 'filled' coverage, relative abundance, taxonomy level).

--output-taxonomic-level-coverage FILE

Output summary of how much coverage has been assigned to each taxonomic level in a taxonomic profile to a TSV file.


--input-otu-tables, --input-otu-table INPUT_OTU_TABLES [INPUT_OTU_TABLES ...]

Summarise these tables

--input-otu-tables-list INPUT_OTU_TABLES_LIST

Summarise the OTU table files newline separated in this file

--input-archive-otu-tables, --input-archive-otu-table INPUT_ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLES [INPUT_ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLES ...]

Summarise these tables

--input-archive-otu-table-list INPUT_ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLE_LIST

Summarise the archive tables newline separated in this file

--input-gzip-archive-otu-table-list INPUT_GZIP_ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLE_LIST

Summarise the list of newline-separated gzip-compressed archive OTU tables specified in this file


Stream input OTU tables, saving RAM. Only works with --output-otu-table and transformation options do not work [expert option].



Apply sequence clustering to the OTU table. Any dashes in OTU sequences will be replaced by N.

--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID

Sequence clustering identity cutoff if --cluster is used [default: 0.9666666666666667 i.e. 96.66666666666667%]

--taxonomy TAXONOMY

Restrict analysis to OTUs that have this taxonomy (exact taxonomy or more fully resolved)

--rarefied-output-otu-table RAREFIED_OUTPUT_OTU_TABLE

Output rarefied output OTU table, where each gene and sample combination is rarefied

--number-to-choose NUMBER_TO_CHOOSE

Rarefy using this many sequences. Sample/gene combinations with an insufficient number of sequences are ignored with a warning [default: maximal number such that all samples have sufficient counts]

--collapse-to-sample-name COLLAPSE_TO_SAMPLE_NAME

Merge all OTUs into a single OTU table, using the given sample name. Requires archive OTU table input and output.


Merge forward and reverse read OTU tables into a unified table. Sample names of coupled reads must end in '1' and '2' respectively. Read names are ignored, so that if the forward and reverse from a pair contain the same OTU sequence, they will each count separately.

--collapse-paired-with-unpaired-archive-otu-table COLLAPSE_PAIRED_WITH_UNPAIRED_ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLE

For archive OTU tables that have both paired and unpaired components, merge these into a single output archive OTU table


--output-otu-table OUTPUT_OTU_TABLE

Output combined OTU table to this file

--output-archive-otu-table OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLE

Output combined OTU table to this file

--output-translated-otu-table OUTPUT_TRANSLATED_OTU_TABLE

Output combined OTU table to this file, with seqeunces translated into amino acids


Output extra information in the standard output OTU table

--krona KRONA

Name of krona file to generate. Note that this generates a krona file from the OTU table, not the taxonomic profile

--wide-format-otu-table WIDE_FORMAT_OTU_TABLE

Name of output species by site CSV file

--strain-overview-table STRAIN_OVERVIEW_TABLE

Name of output strains table to generate

--unifrac-by-otu UNIFRAC_BY_OTU

Output UniFrac format file where entries are OTU sequences

--unifrac-by-taxonomy UNIFRAC_BY_TAXONOMY

Output UniFrac format file where entries are taxonomies (generally used for phylogeny-driven beta diversity when pipe was run with '--assignment_method diamond_example')

--clustered-output-otu-table CLUSTERED_OUTPUT_OTU_TABLE

Output an OTU table with extra information about the clusters


Exclude hits that are not in the target domain of each SingleM package


Packages used in the creation of the OTU tables

--metapackage METAPACKAGE

Metapackage used in the creation of the OTU tables

--unaligned-sequences-dump-file UNALIGNED_SEQUENCES_DUMP_FILE

Output unaligned sequences from in put archive OTU table to this file. After each read name '~N' is added which corresponds to the order of the read in the archive OTU table, so that no two sequences have the same read name. N>1 can happen e.g. when the input file contains paired reads. ~0 does not necessarily correspond to the first read in the original input sequence set, but instead to the order in the input archive OTU table.



output debug information


output version information and quit


only output errors


print longer help message


print longer help message in ROFF (manpage) format


Ben J. Woodcroft, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology
Samuel Aroney, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology
Raphael Eisenhofer, Centre for Evolutionary Hologenomics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Rossen Zhao, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology


Convert a taxonomic profile to a site-by-species table at the genus level:

$ singlem summarise --input-taxonomic-profiles <profile1.tsv> <profile2.tsv> --output-species-by-site-relative-abundance <output.tsv> --output-species-by-site-level genus

Create a Krona diagram from a taxonomic profile:

$ singlem summarise --input-taxonomic-profiles <profile1.tsv> --output-taxonomic-profile-krona <output.html>

Add extra coverage and relative abundance information to a taxonomic profile:

$ singlem summarise --input-taxonomic-profiles <profile1.tsv> --output-taxonomic-profile-with-extras <output.tsv>

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