singlem makedb

It can be useful in some situations to search for sequences in OTU tables. For instance, you may ask "is the most abundant OTU or anything similar in samples B, C or D?" To answer this question make a SingleM database from sample B, C & D's OTU tables:

singlem pipe -1 B.fq.gz --otu-table B.otu_table.csv
singlem pipe -1 C.fq.gz --otu-table C.otu_table.csv
singlem pipe -1 D.fq.gz --otu-table D.otu_table.csv
singlem makedb --otu-tables B.otu_table.csv C.otu_table.csv D.otu_table.csv --db BCD.sdb

.sdb is the conventional file extension for SingleM databases. Then to query this database with windows from sample A:

singlem pipe -1 A.fq.gz --otu-table A.otu_table.csv
singlem query --query-otu-table A.otu_table.csv --db BCD.sdb


--otu-tables, --otu-table OTU_TABLES [OTU_TABLES ...]

Make a db from these OTU tables

--otu-tables-list OTU_TABLES_LIST

Make a db from the OTU table files newline separated in this file

--archive-otu-tables, --archive-otu-table ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLES [ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLES ...]

Make a db from these archive tables

--archive-otu-table-list ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLE_LIST

Make a db from the archive tables newline separated in this file

--gzip-archive-otu-table-list GZIP_ARCHIVE_OTU_TABLE_LIST

Make a db from the gzip'd archive tables newline separated in this file

--db DB

Name of database to create e.g. tundra.sdb


--threads THREADS

Use this many threads where possible [default 1]

--sequence-database-methods {smafa-naive,annoy,scann,nmslib,scann-naive,none} [{smafa-naive,annoy,scann,nmslib,scann-naive,none} ...]

Index sequences using these methods. Note that specifying "scann-naive" means "scann" databases will also be built [default ['smafa-naive']]

--sequence-database-types {nucleotide,protein} [{nucleotide,protein} ...]

Index sequences using these types. [default: ['nucleotide']]

--pregenerated-otu-sqlite-db PREGENERATED_OTU_SQLITE_DB

[for internal usage] remake the indices using this input SQLite database

--num-annoy-nucleotide-trees NUM_ANNOY_NUCLEOTIDE_TREES

make annoy nucleotide sequence indices with this ntrees [default 10]

--num-annoy-protein-trees NUM_ANNOY_PROTEIN_TREES

make annoy protein sequence indices with this ntrees [default 10]

--tmpdir TMPDIR

[for internal usage] use this directory internally for working



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Ben J. Woodcroft, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology
Samuel Aroney, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology
Raphael Eisenhofer, Centre for Evolutionary Hologenomics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Rossen Zhao, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology

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