kingfisher get


Download and extract sequence data from SRA or ENA



-r, --run-identifiers RUN_IDENTIFIERS [RUN_IDENTIFIERS ...]

Run number(s) to download/extract e.g. ERR1739691

--run-identifiers-list RUN_IDENTIFIERS_LIST

Text file containing a newline-separated list of run identifiers i.e. a 1 column CSV file.

-p, --bioprojects BIOPROJECTS [BIOPROJECTS ...]

BioProject IDs number(s) to download/extract from e.g. PRJNA621514 or SRP260223

-m, --download-methods {aws-http,prefetch,aws-cp,gcp-cp,ena-ascp,ena-ftp} [{aws-http,prefetch,aws-cp,gcp-cp,ena-ascp,ena-ftp} ...]

How to download .sra file. If multiple are specified, each is tried in turn until one works [required].

ena-ascpDownload .fastq.gz files from ENA using Aspera, which can then be further converted. This is the fastest method since no fasterq-dump is required.
ena-ftpDownload .fastq.gz files from ENA using curl, which can then be further converted. This is relatively fast since no fasterq-dump is required.
prefetchDownload .SRA file using NCBI prefetch from sra-tools, which is then extracted with fasterq-dump.
aws-httpDownload .SRA file from AWS Open Data Program using `aria2c` with multiple connection threads, which is then extracted with `fasterq-dump`.
aws-cpDownload .SRA file from AWS using aws s3 cp, which is then extracted with fasterq-dump. Does not usually require payment or an AWS account.
gcp-cpDownload .SRA file from Google Cloud gsutil, which is then extracted with fasterq-dump. Requires payment and a Google Cloud account.

--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

Output directory to write to [default: current working directory]


--download-threads DOWNLOAD_THREADS

Number of connection threads to use when downloading data. When >1 aria2 is used rather than curl [default: 8]


Do not show progressbar during download [default: unset i.e. show progress]

--ascp-ssh-key ASCP_SSH_KEY

a path to the openssh key to used for aspera (i.e. the -i flag of ascp) [default: Use the one bundled with Kingfisher]

--ascp-args ASCP_ARGS

extra arguments to pass to ascp e.g. '-k 2' to resume with a sparse file checksum [default: '-k 2']


Allow downloading from retriever-pays s3 and GCP buckets [default: Do not]


Allow downloading from retriever-pays AWS buckets [default: Do not]

--aws-user-key-id AWS_USER_KEY_ID

Downloading from AWS requester pays buckets requires a key ID and secret key [default: not used]

--aws-user-key-secret AWS_USER_KEY_SECRET

Downloading from AWS requester pays buckets requires a key ID and secret key [default: not used]


Instead of using the NCBI location API, guess the address of the file in AWS [default: not used]


Allow downloading from retriever-pays GCP buckets [default: Do not]

--gcp-project GCP_PROJECT

Downloading from Google Cloud buckets require a Google project to charge (they are requester-pays) e.g. 'my-project'. This can alternately be set beforehand using 'gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID' [default: value of `gcloud config get-value project` command]

--gcp-user-key-file GCP_USER_KEY_FILE

Downloading from Google Cloud buckets requires a Google user to be setup. Use this option to specify a JSON-formatted service account key, as per [default: not used]

--prefetch-max-size PREFETCH_MAX_SIZE

Downloading with prefetch has a default limit of 20G file size. Kingfisher disables this. Use this option to reinstate this file size limit e.g. --prefetch-max-size "1G" for a 1 GB limit [default: not used]


Check md5sums of downloaded files. This is only implemented for ena-ftp, ena-ascp and aws-http download methods. The prefetch, aws-cp and gcp-cp methods calculate checksums as part of the download process. [default: not used]


-f, --output-format-possibilities {sra,fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz} [{sra,fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz} ...]

Allowable output formats. If more than one is specified, downloaded data will processed as little as possible [default: "fastq fastq.gz"]


Re-download / extract files even if they already exist [default: Do not].


Output the sequences in arbitrary order, usually the order that they appear in the .sra file. Even pairs of reads may be in the usual order, but it is possible to tell which pair is which, and which is a forward and which is a reverse read from the name [default: Do not].

Currently requires download from NCBI rather than ENA.


Output sequences to STDOUT. Currently requires --unsorted [default: Do not].

-t, --extraction-threads EXTRACTION_THREADS

Number of threads to use when extracting .sra files. Ignored when --unsorted is specified. [default: 8]



output debug information


output version information and quit


only output errors


print longer help message


print longer help message in ROFF (manpage) format


Ben J. Woodcroft, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology <benjwoodcroft near>


Download .fastq.gz files of the run ERR1739691 from the ENA, or failing that, download an .sra file from the Amazon AWA Open Data Program and then convert to FASTQ (not FASTQ.GZ), or failing that use NCBI prefetch to download and convert that to FASTQ. Output files are put into the current working directory.

$ kingfisher get -r ERR1739691 -m ena-ascp aws-http prefetch

Download a .sra from GCP using a service account key with "gcp cp". Payment is required.

$ kingfisher get -r ERR1739691 -m gcp-cp -f sra --gcp-user-key-file sa-private-key.json --allow-paid

Download a .sra from the free AWS open data program using 8 threads for download and extraction, coverting to FASTA.

$ kingfisher get -r ERR1739691 -m aws-http -f fasta --download-threads 8

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