coverm filter - Threshold alignments with insufficient identity (version 0.7.0)


coverm filter FLAGS OPTIONS


Only primary, non-supplementary alignments are considered, and output files are grouped by reference, but not sorted by position.



Only keep reads which are unmapped or align below thresholds. Note that output records may still be marked as mapped if they do not meet the thresholds. When used with --proper-pairs, only proper pairs which fail alignment thresholds are output i.e. it does not "invert" the proper pairs flag. [default: not set]

-v, --verbose

Print extra debugging information. [default: not set]

-q, --quiet

Unless there is an error, do not print log messages. [default: not set]

-h, --help

Output a short usage message. [default: not set]


Output a full help message and display in 'man'. [default: not set]


Output a full help message in raw ROFF format for conversion to other formats. [default: not set]


-b, --bam-files PATH ..

Path to reference-sorted BAM file(s). [required]

-o, --output-bam-files PATH ..

Path to corresponding output file(s). [required]

-t, --threads INT

Number of threads for output compression. [default: 1]


--min-read-aligned-length INT

Exclude reads with smaller numbers of aligned bases. [default: 0]

--min-read-percent-identity FLOAT

Exclude reads by overall percent identity e.g. 95 for 95%. [default: 0]

--min-read-aligned-percent FLOAT

Exclude reads by percent aligned bases e.g. 95 means 95% of the read's bases must be aligned. [default: 0]

--min-read-aligned-length-pair INT

Exclude pairs with smaller numbers of aligned bases. Implies --proper-pairs-only. [default: 0]

--min-read-percent-identity-pair FLOAT

Exclude pairs by overall percent identity e.g. 95 for 95%. Implies --proper-pairs-only. [default: 0]

--min-read-aligned-percent-pair FLOAT

Exclude reads by percent aligned bases e.g. 95 means 95% of the read's bases must be aligned. Implies --proper-pairs-only. [default: 0]


Require reads to be mapped as proper pairs. [default: not set]


Exclude supplementary alignments. [default: not set]


Include secondary alignments. [default: not set]


Can the temporary directory used be changed? CoverM makes use of the system temporary directory (often /tmp) to store intermediate files. This can cause problems if the amount of storage available there is small or used by many programs. To fix, set the TMPDIR environment variable e.g. to set it to use the current directory: TMPDIR=. coverm genome <etc>

For thresholding arguments e.g. \-\-dereplication\-ani and \-\-min\-read\-percent\-identity, should a percentage (e.g 97%) or fraction (e.g. 0.97) be specified? Either is fine, CoverM determines which is being used by virtue of being less than or greater than 1.



Successful program execution.


Unsuccessful program execution.


The program panicked.


Filter a BAM file by removing alignments shorter than 50bp

$ coverm filter --bam-files input.bam --output-bam filtered.bam --min-read-aligned-length 50

Filter inverse: Keep alignments that have <95% alignment identity and those which do map at all. Note that the output BAM file will likely records that are still mapped, but align with < 95% identity. Use 16 threads for output compression

$ coverm filter -b input.bam -o inverse_filtered.bam --inverse --min-read-percent-identity 95 --threads 16


Ben J. Woodcroft, Centre for Microbiome Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology <benjwoodcroft near>